Ex-top tax collector clings to hospital bed

LUIS CUCALÓN as former Director General of Revenue was Panama’s chief tax collector (DGI), is now facing embezzlement charges for allegedly re-directing some of the money he collected.
Meanwhile he does not take kindly to eviction notices and remains in the Hospital Punta Pacifica where he has been lodging for two years avoiding court appearances. A five-day notice from the hospital to find another medical center, private or public, expired on Saturday September 9.
National Police sources told La Prensa on Monday that – so far no orders have been received from the First Criminal Court to remove him although a judge has accused him of using dilatory practices.
Cucalón completed two years at the expensive private hospital on September 7.
The court has accused Cucalón of using “dilatory” mechanisms in the investigation of alleged commission of alleged embezzlement in the collection of taxes by the company Cobranzas del Istmo, S.A. whose president, Cristobal Salerno told prosecutors that he delivered suitcases stuffed with cash to then president Ricardo Martinelli at the presidential palace.