AUDITIONS for Murder Mystery Dinner Theatre

THE SIXTH annual Murder Mystery Dinner Theatre presented by the CanadaPLUS Foundation’s amateur drama group will be at the Golden Tower Hotel in July and auditions are scheduled for two weekends this month and early May.
Rehearsals will be late May through June.
The Murder Mystery series runs for three nights and is part of the Foundation’s mandate raise funds for the staging of its annual Carols by Candlelight Charity Concert.
The play will be directed by filmmaker, actor/director Kendal McKella.
Newcomers to acting will be welcome to audition
This year’s performance Café Murder requires 8 actors to fill the roles of:
Bistro Maitre D, host (male) aged around 30-40.
Birthday girl Rosemary. A complaining hypochondriac aged 30-40,
Marjorie – Conservative banker sister to Rosemary 25 +
Melanie – peace loving hippie 20-35
Valerie- dizzy Valley Girl 20-40
Vollanee, rugged truck driver, 25+
Harris a hyper detective 25+
Charming French Chef 25-50
Auditions in Bella Vista will be on Friday April 21 7 pm, Saturday April 22, 2-4 pm
Friday May 12 7 pm, Saturday May 13 2- pm.
To register and get map of audition location: go to Wassap: 6619-6890, clubcanadaplus@