Five dead, 11 injured in 11-hour road carnage

FIVE people died in a space of 11 hours in overnight traffic accidents in different parts of the country at the start of the week.
The carnage started at 9:00 pm, on Sunday night, Feb. 5 and continued until Monday at 8:00 am, and brings to 36 the total number of highway deaths in the country in the first 37 days of the year
The first death occurred onn the avenue of Las Américas in front of the Restaurant Pizzería Leonardo de La Chorrera. A man was run over at 9:40 pm.
The driver of the vehicle fled say authorities.
The injured person was taken by ambulance to Hospital Santo Tomás, where he died at 1:30 am.
Melvin Guerrero, 21, also became part of Panama’s bloody traffic death statistics, after he drove crashed into a tree on the Soná-Marañón-Asiento Bonito road on the National Highway at 12:40 am on Sunday
Tweny minutes later in Vista Alegre de Arraiján, West Panama, motor cyclist Edgardo Martín McLaughlin, 27, died after crashing into a residence near a school.
At 3:20 am , near f the Divisa checkpoint on the Inter-American highway, a triple collision killed Gilberto Gil Fordbersh a passenger in one of the vehicles heading for Santiago de Veraguas.
The victim was transferred to the hospital Rafael Estévez de Aguadulce, Coclé, where he died at 4:00
At 7:00 am Monday, a crash triggered by a landlslide in Loma El Volteadero, La Pintada, in Coclé caused the death of Ernesto Castro, 59, and injured 11
Four seriously injured were taken to hospital Aquilino Tejeira.