Canadian Demons invigorating Panama, aiding the blind

By Margot Thomas
A CANADIAN musical group that has wowed audiences in the frozen north and around the world and even made the Guinness Book of Records will be performing in Panama on Tuesday Feb. 7, helping to raise funds for a unique Panama initiative for the blind and disabled.

The Shuffle Demons
(3 saxes, 1 bass, 1 set of drums…and 5 singing throats) will be at The Wyndham Hotel in Albrook Mall providing what one musical critic has described as: “ what is most definitely a highly funky night out on the movin’ groovin’ town from yet another ensemble of kuh-razy Cuh-nadians. … What they purvey is zesty, jumpin’, humorous, swingin’, blow session jazz-funk that interpolates a good deal more of the 70s fusion vibe than ya might expect.”
More moderately (?) the Shuffle Demons is a multi-talented Canadian band that blends virtuosic jazz and funk playing with eye-catching costumes and over the top stage antics .
The Shuffle Demons gained their spot in Guinness history by co-ordinating 930 saxophones all at once playing the Hockey Night in Canada theme in Toronto’s Dundas Square.
The performance starts at 8 pm and while you’re waiting you can sample some of the city’s most scrumptious pastries, and finest coffee at the hotel’s Café Met, or sip something stronger at the bar .
For reservations call 307-0300
The beneficiaries of your night out (donation $15, which includes two free sodas, wine or beer) will be Vision Of Hope a unique project started by US expat Vernon Wilson helping the blind become self sufficient functioning members of the community, by making jewelry.
In spite of gaining recognition from the Royal National Institute for the Blind (RNIB) in Northern Ireland, Vision of Hope hasn like the prophet, gained little official recognition in Panama, although the program has been extended to include others with physical challenges.

Vision of Hope is supported by The CanadaPLUS Foundation which organizes the Carols By Candlelight charity concert each year raising funds for local institutions.
The Foundation has provided a website for the “Vision” ( where you can order some of the jewelry designed by master craftsman Vernon Wilson.
CanadaPLUS Foundation with round the year social activities also supports Hospital Santo Tomas, and Hospital Del Nino and can be found on Facebook or email .