Transparency International demands Martinelli family probe
THE PANAMA chapter of Transparency International (TI), has called for a strong investigation into the scandal that has identified two sons of ex-president Ricardo Martinelli as recipients of $6 million in bribes from Brazilian construction company Norberto Odebrecht.
The $6 million was part of $59 million s that found its way into the pockets of high ranking officials in the Martinelli administration.
Martinelli, his sons and many members of his inner circle have fled the country.
Businessmen led by the Chamber of Commerce have demanded that Odebrecht pay back the bribes to the state.
Brazilian newspapers reported that former Odebrecht financial operator Luiz Fernando Soares declared in plea bargain negotiations with the task force of Operation Lava Jato, that the payments were made to the children of the ex- president to obtain the contract for an infrastructure project that led to overbilling and a $175 million net gain for Odebrecht.
Ramón Ricardo Arias, IT president says specific actions must be initiated in Panama.