Combining a Carols concert with some special Christmas shopping

By Margot Thomas
IF YOU ARE planning to start your seasonal celebrations with a visit to the annual Carols by Candlelight concert on the Cinta Costera, on Dec. 3, you can combine your participation in what in six years has become a Panama tradition with some early Christmas shopping,
You will not only discover some very special gifts but enjoy the gift of assisting some of our less fortunate citizens.
Students of the Vision of Hope program which teaches blind Panamanians to make jewelry and become income earning members of the community will be at the Carols event displaying some of their creations while working on new designs.
Prices range from $2 to over $100.
Your attendance at the concert, Foundation, gives you the opportunity to join with the performers and be part of a 2,000 plus choir singing your favorite carols as you wave your souvenir LED candles.
The concert organized by the CanadaPLUS Foundation is free if you wish to sit on the rim of the amphitheatre at the Mirador Del Pacifico at the Fish Market end of the Cinta Costera.
It starts at 6.30 pm.
Reserved seats, including a candle are available at $20 and $25. All proceeds go to support Hospital Santo Tomas and Vision of Hope.
For reservations call 6619-6890, or email
Your candles carrying your seat number will be delivered to your home or office if xyou order by Monday, Nov 28