Interpol Red alert for FP directors

INTERPOL has been asked to raise a “red alert” to locate Iván Clare and West Valdés, former directors of the Financial Pacific (FP) brokerage
Both have received orders to appear for questioning over the loan granted by the state owned caja de ahorros Savings Bank (CA) in favor of the contractor of the failed Amador convention center.
They have also been named in other scandals involving ex-president Ricardo Martinelli and a”High Spirit” account belonging to Martinelli, allegedly used to manipulate stock market prices of Petaquilla Mines.
When irregularities at FP were first uncovered, the investigating auditor disappeared and is believed by his family to have been murdered.
Other bizarre incidents arose with attempted burglary off the FP offices, and the early morning stabbing of another investigator.

While the directors walked the streets, former employee Mayte Pelligrini spent two years in detention and blew the whistle on the Martinelli account.
She also alleged that current Supreme Court president, Ayu Prado, then Attorney General. wanted her to withdraw her statements about Martinelli in return for her release.
Prado was fast tracked to the Supreme Court by Martinelli.
Pelligrini was moved to house arrest because of health issues, and is still awaiting trial for alleged embezzlement.