HEALTH WATCH: Early detection, the beginning of hearing loss solution

By Alexander Meier

TRADITIONALLY hearing problems have been associated with age. In fact, recent studies reveal that 30% of people over 55 years old suffer from hearing loss to a greater or lesser extent.

However, deafness problems can manifest themselves at any age and are experiencing a significant increase among the youngest.

Attending   discotecs  or concerts means a continuous exposure to sounds with an intensity exceeding 95 decibels, this is why they are considered as one of the  major causes that hurts our ears and end up creating lifelong damage

This same problem can also be suffered by people whose working environments do not follow the current regulations on hearing protection.

Whatever the source of the hearing loss, what really matters is the negative impact that it generates on the quality of life of the people who suffer it.

Because of this, experts recommend that people over 45 years of age periodically visit the ENT (ear, nose, throat  doctor ) or a specialized center for regular checkups of their ears.

unnamedEarly detection will allow the achievement of better results in the treatments being implemented,

A small device that is placed in your ear could be the solution

Auditory Check
A simple and quick way to know if you have a hearing problem is to ask yourself  these questions:

  1. earDo you sometimes hear without understanding the words?
  2. Do you feel stressed in meetings because it is difficult for you to continue the conversation?
  3. Do you find it difficult to talk on the phone?
  4. Do you set the volume of the television and radio higher than the rest of your family?
  5. Does the noise of street traffic stun you to the point of feeling unsafe?
  6. Do you have tinnitus?
  7. Some pleasant but weak sounds, such as birdsong or the sound of the sea, disappeared from your life?
  8. Do you feel isolated at family gatherings or friends?
  9. Do you often say “I’ve told you so many times”?

If you had answered YES, to three or more questions, it is advisable to have a review of your hearing health with a speech-language pathologist team. “Hearing is precious to the listener” (Egyptian  proverb)

Alexander Meier is General Manager Gaes Panamá.