Bank loan important to BossMartinelli

THE DIRECTORS of the board of the State savings bank Caja de Ahorros (CA) were urged “Riccardo Francolini who requested all directors to support “the approval of a credit line for a consortium to build the Amador convention Center as it was important to the “boss”
The statement to anticorruption prosecutors came from the bank’s former sub-director Rodrigo Arosemena Pino,
When questioned by prosecutor Tania Sterling on who Francolini was referring to when he mentioned the ‘boss’, he replied, “he was the president of the Republic, Ricardo Martinelli.”
Francolini asked all managers of the CA to support financing HPC-Contractors-P & V, in which was involved according to Arosemena, former vice president Felipe Pipo Virzi, already named in several corruption investigations.
Arosemena said that at the meeting of December 11, 2012, when the loan was approved, “Francolini asked only in the meeting directors Ricardo Arango Pezet, Anastacio Ruiz De Leon, Fernando Correa Jolly and Ricardo Chanis, Jayson Shepherd ( manager) and me, to stay and there said: “The ‘boss’ was concerned that this funding be supported…”.
On Friday. October 28 , Arango Pezet was detained in custody and Ruiz De Leon was prohibited from leaving the country.
Correa Jolly did not arrive for questioning on Friday after presenting a medical certificate. He will now have to attend on November 7.
Meanwhile, Chanis, is also facing investigation , and Francolini has been detained since October 12.