Bidding for$400 million kids hospital set for 2017

THE LONG delayed tender for the construction of the new Hospital del Niño (HN) is now scheduled for the first quarter of 2017.
The news came from Paul Gallardo medical director of the current hospital, during a visit by the Comptroller General Federico Humbert on Wednesday October 5.
Humbert said that there is a commitment from everyone involved to streamline all processes to realize the new facility , which has been hanging fire since the Martinelli administration canceled plans to build an office tower on the site of the former US embassy, on Avenida Balboa.

The land was allocated instead to the Children’s Hospital whose current inadequate facility is well over 60 years old.
“We want to involve the Comptroller’s office to try to see how we can help get this project started soon,” said Humbert.
“The needs of the hospital are prevailing,” he said , adding that the hospital staff currently works with many difficulties and limitations. “These realities cannot wait for tomorrow,” he said.
In May,the $7.6 million contract for the study, design and development of plans for the hospital was endorsed by the Comptroller.
It is in the hands of a consortium formed by Pinearq, S.L.P. and Ayesa Engineering and Architecture.
According to the authorities, the consortium is working in an “efficient” way and in the coming months will complete their work to enable ‘’as soon as possible” the tender for the construction and equipping of the pediatric hospital.
It is estimated that the construction will cost some $400 million.