Complaints on Judges travel jaunts nixed

A COMPLAINT filed against several jet setting judges of the Supreme Court for irregularities in their travel expenses was dismissed by The Credentials Committee of the National Assembly on Tuesday March 4.
The complaint was filed by Carlos Lee and Rafael Candanedo on behalf of the Citizen’s Alliance for Justice against José Ayú Prado, Hernan De León and Luis Ramón Fábrega.
The decision of the Commission is based on the audit by the Comptroller General which concluded that the trips “had to do with the functions of the court and that there was no financial injury.”
In January, the alliance filed the complaint saying that the trips included excessive expenses. That prompted the audit of the trips.
The court has paid nearly $1 million for trips in the last two years with Chief Justice Prado leading the pack with over a score.
Critics have claimed that while the judges are away cases continue to pile up and decisions in others are delayed.