$16.7 million sanitation upgrade for Paitilla, Punta Pacifica

RESIDENTS OF Paitilla and Punta Pacifica got a “happy weekend”. Message from President Juan Carlos Varela on Friday, September 16 with a go-ahead order for a $16.7 million sanitation project.
The construction will be carried out by BCC Consortium, formed by the companies BTCS, CODISA and COGEIS.
The project is funded by the Inter-American Development Bank and the Development Bank of Latin America.
It will take 15 months to complete, which means that in the short term traffic in the area will become even more of a challenge.
Varela said that the project is part of the $6 billion his government plans to spend on improving water and sewer services in the country.
The project will also address problems in storm-water drainage in the area Blocked drains led to US presidential candidate Donald Trump making an ignominious departure after he opened the complex that carries his name.
Heavy rains and the poorly functioning drains caused street waters to cover the wheels of his official car.