OPINION: Devastation bordering Canal

Hoyporhoy, La Prensa Sep 14
WHO IS RESPONSIBLE for the devastation of land in the operating area of the Panama Canal? No one and everyone at the same time.
The Administrative Unit of Reverted lands of the Ministry of Finance sold the land; the predecessor body of the Ministry of Environment approved the environmental impact study of the promoter; and the Panama Canal Authority gave its approval to the project.
Apparently none of the three institutions took responsibility to check that the project would not affect the Miraflores Lake, or irreparably undermine the existing forest.
Derisory fines and lengthy administrative processes, are not intended to restore the ecosystem, but give the appearance that they did something.
Panamanians hope for more care and diligence on the part of officials who must always act in the best interests of the country.
It would be healthy to examine best measures to prevent the comedy of errors that did away with a protected area water Canal, and should be an example of good governance not a repeat of bureaucratic apathy.