Globe trotting judge defended

THE ACTING president of the Supreme Court (CSJ), defended the globe trotting chief magistrate Jose Ayu Prado whose latest jaunt is to the Vatican from September 5-18.

Hernán De Leon said he is not against travel abroad by personnel of the entity. He said the trips are necessary “because we live in a globalized world” and are necessary “especially if they are of specialized, exchange between courts”.
De Leon explained that he is not who authorizes Ayu Prado trips because, among judges, none is superior to another.
He added that the only thing that is done is that the presiding judge notifies the vice president of the trip in order that there is coordination when directing the presidency.
On the other hand, De Leon said Wednesday, September 7 that the judiciary, like the Public Ministry, needs a larger budget.
De Leon, who is in charge of the presidency of the Supreme Court by the current trip by Ayu Prado, said that not only the funds established by the Constitution are needed.
Leon stressed that the judiciary effectively requires more funds. “More or less $30 million dollars are required so that it can be implemented efficiently.”
The judge made his statements in the National Assembly, where he participated in the analysis of the proposal of the law creating the creation of higher courts.
De Leon said that at present the accusatory penal system “still requires money to have greater efficiency.”
“So why are so many laws created if in the end the Ministry of Economy and Finance or the Executive Branch does not gives the judiciary the necessary budget for the work required?