Pirate bus accident injures 15

A TRAFFIC accident involving a taxi and a pirate bus injured 15 passengers on Sunday morning September 4.
The accident happened near Tocumen International Airport. Witnesses told El Siglo that the bus was traveling at excessive speed.
It’s another in a long line of incidents involving unregulated pirate buses, often with a driver behind the wheel who is not qualified to drive a PSV (Public Service Vehicle).
Repeated government efforts to deal with the pirate bus problem have failed to produce solutions.
Taxis are notorious for their high speed and erratic driving, failing to use turning signals and ignoring traffic lights and stop signs. Both types of vehicle have played a role in the climbing road carnage in 2016, on track to create a fatalities record.
This incident brought police, firemen and ambulances to the scene.
Police are endeavoring to determine the cause of the accident.