Cell door remains locked for ex-minister

PANAMA’S former Minister of Social Development Guillermo Ferrufino, got a key to open one door of his detention cell last week, but the second remains firmly shut.
Ferrufino in better times liked to display his wealth and possessions on social media. But he is now far from his country estate and stables once holding high cost horses.
The Second Anti-Corruption Prosecutor, investigating the alleged crime of embezzlement by renting aircraft through the National Assistance Program changed his preventive detention to house arrest.
But Ferrufino, is still detained at the Police headquarters in Ancon on the instructions of the First Anticorruption Prosecutor investigating him for the alleged crime of unjustified enrichment.
Ferrufino faces two pending trials. One is in the Eleventh Criminal Court for unjust enrichment.
Another is in the Thirteenth Criminal Court for alleged corruption by officials.
Ferrufino once had presidential aspirations, and flaunted a man about town image.