OPINION: Panamas Olympic heroes

Hoyporhoy La Prensa August 6
IN 1928, ADAM GORDON was the “Olympic loner” by becoming the first Panamanian to go to the major sporting event. Two decades later, Lloyd La Beach won two bronze medals at the London event in 1948.
In 2008, Irving Saladino honored us all with the first gold medal received by the Isthmus.
Our athletes are prepared in precarious conditions, have very little financial support and only feed on the gratitude of the people and the memory of their victories.
Despite this, they compete without complaint and with gallantry with the rest of the world.
As a nation, sport unites and inspires us to dream that we are all heroes and we are also present in the fields, stadiums and gymnasiums, along with the 10 who represent us.
One for all and all for one is the motto that nourishes the soul of the winners and for a few days nurtures the great national feeling that makes us raise our flag, and witness the true meaning of the Olympics, “Higher, faster , stronger”.