Convicted judge wants new deal

CORRUPTED and disgraced former Judge Alejandro Moncada Luna, who in his time on the bench sentenced scores of people to long prison terms, is not enjoying life behind bars.
He has via his lawyer made five requests for a National Assembly hearing control, to review the conditions of his detention in El Renacer prison where is serving five years for unjustified enrichment and falsifying public documents. He got a sweetheart deal and escaped with five years instead of a potential 12.
The information was released by Deputy Jorge Ivan Arrocha, who served as chairman of the Credentials Committee, Regulations, Parliamentary Ethics and Judicial Affairs in the 2015-2016 legislative period.
Arrocha said he will request a meeting with colleagues Rony Arauz and Crescencia Prado. The three -Arrocha, Araúz and Prado- compliance judges are appointed in the case followed Moncada Luna to set a hearing date.
“I am not the president of the judges of compliance … [But] we must fulfill our role,” he said.
In April, the ex Supreme Court president was hospitalized in Santo Tomas,for 10 days after complaining of “chronic hypertension”.
Since March 2015, when a settlement agreement in which he recognized the commission of two crimes, Moncada Luna has tried unsuccessfully to serve the sentence under home detention.