Teachers call 72 hour strike

A72-HOUR STRIKE was called by leaders of 16 teachers’ unions on Monday July 18 .The announcement came at 11 a.m. after a general assembly at the Republic of Venezuela School where they rejected a government proposal for a wage increase.
The proposal would have established monthly salary increases of $150 in each of the next two years. But teachers have been demanding an immediate increase of $300 a month.
Union leader Diogenes Sanchez justified the decision by saying that the strike will force the government to devote more resources to the education system.
After the meeting educators marched to the National Assembly to deliver a list of demands.
A meeting with the government was slated for later in the day. Sanchez indicated that a document will be delivered to the committee which will make it clear why they rejected the proposal.
The teachers’leaders also announced that they will demonstrate Tuesday at the Republic of Venezuela School.
President Juan Carlos Varela, facing the first major strike threat of his presidency, has asked teachers to return to classrooms and said they are holding students as hostages.
He said that a strike is completely unnecessary and that the government is willing to negotiate in good faith with the unions. Business leaders had earlier called for more dialogue.