Martinelli losing grip on CD Party

THE CAMBIO  DEMOCRATICO (CD) Party, founded, funded, and until recently  ruled by ex-president Ricardo Martinelli,  to further his political ambitions,  is slipping out of his control as elected deputies continue to reject orders , issued electronically from his Miami hideout.

Deputies Yanibel Abrego and Raúl Hernández have said they will fight legal processes initiated against them by the for violating a directive with regard to votes taken to determine the leadership of the National Assembly for the next year.

The two deputies face processes within the CD as well as before the Tribunal Electoral (TE).

“We’re going to defend ourselves. We demand due process. We don’t have any fear of it and know that we are right,” said Hernandez.

The process against them was initiated by CD Party Prosecutor Tomas Martinelli, who said the performance of the members “is very serious” and constitutes acts of indiscipline.

Abrego and Hernandez also have the support of the 16 CD deputies who supported PRD Deputy Ruben De Leon for president of the Assembly. One of those,

José Muñoz, told La Prensa: “Rest assured that neither of them will be expelled or lose their seat. The seats are lost by the voters and not by the policies of a political party.”

He added that: “In politics and democracy, the majority wins. And there are 16 members against nine, who has the most?”