Indigenous leader calls for hydroelectric dialogue

Indigenous leader calls for hydroelectric dialogue

NGÄBE BUGLE leader Silvia Carrera has  made a call for the long promised dialogue with the government of Juan Carlos Varela to address the issue of the Barro Blanco hydroelectric plant.

She has also asked the Government to suspend  testing of the reservoir filling and the “repression of her people” in the area.

She said that it had been agreed that the testing would not affect the indigenous region, but claimed that part of the river near the Tabasará population has been harmed.

“We are calling on you sit down to talk with a fresh mind to solve this , although the ASEP [National Authority of Public Services] violated the agreement and there are several points that we have not yet been able to discuss,” she said.

She added that an agreement with the authorities indicated in point five that the government would not close the doors  to reach agreement on Barro Blanco, but they  “now surprise us with the evidence.”

She  said that since the Ngäbe people have said that this project should not be, but unfortunately it is  already completed and they are now doing the respective tests, which began on 24 May.

“We have to keep fighting,” said the cacica (leader). She added that several lawsuits have been filed against the work, done by Generadora del Istmo, S.A.

However, Ricardo Miranda, leader of the April 10, Movement that has led the protests, said they do not accept dialogue and reiterated that the government cancel ask once and for all Barro Blanco hydroelectric.

Participants of the Technical Commission of Hydropower Project Barro Blanco agreed last week to organize a mission to the area of New Palomar, KIAD and Quebrada Caña, to inspect and analyze the surrounding areas of the indigenous region that could be affected by the testing process.