Foster child returned after court order, family vigil

A CHILD removed  from its foster home by The National Secretariat for Childhood, Adolescence and Family (Senniaf)  was returned  to the foster family that had cared for the child for the last four years, on Wednesday, May 18.

Senniaf  Director Idalia Martinez made the announcement through her Twitter account.

The La Chorrera Youth Family Court had ordered the Senniaf to return the child, but the order had was not  executed until Wednesday

The announcement came amidst an exchange of messages with Panameñista Deputy José Luis Varela, who had publicly appealed for the court decision to be followed.

The  surrogate family members held a vigil on Tuesday  opposite the headquarters of the Senniaf, in Bella Vista, to demand the court order be followed.

In a press release, the National Support Network for Children and Adolescents also urged the court order to be followed, saying the removal of the child from the foster home was improper since thechild  had been with the family for four years.

The network said we “do not understand why this process was abruptly interrupted and it did not take into account the well-being, self-esteem and emotional stability of the child.”

“We see how the days pass and stretch without resolution which is undoubtedly a clear distraction that puts in serious doubt the seriousness with which some authorities take their administrative roles,” said the organization.


The Ministry of Social Development will begin investigating the matter, Reports La Prensa