US soldier guilty of killing Panama student

A US ARMY sergeant was found guilty by a US military court on Monday, March 28,   of the murder of a Panamanian college student.

Omar Velez Pagan had faced charges of homicide and assault against Vanessa Rodriguez.

Over 75 relatives, friends and witnesses were at the trial at Fort Bragg in North Carolina to hear the verdict. They had been there, along with representatives of the Foreign Ministry since March 22.

Pagan had earlier pleaded guilty to adultery, use of steroids and obstruction of justice, “said the  foreign office in a press release. He will be sentenced March 29.

On June 23, 2014, Rodriguez’s body was found by a police officer on a farm near the river Guararé in Los Santos.

A pickaxe, a shovel and a white powder similar to lime were found, next to the body which he was presumably trying to bury.