Panama based scientist beats shrimp killer disease

NEW TECHNOLOGY, devised by a Panama based scientist has defeated killer diseases laying waste to the shrimp farming industry and created work and investment opportunities for Panama.
Disease in shrimp farming has cost the industry billions of dollars in the past 10years. There have heavy losses to shrimp farms in Nicaragua, Honduras, Guatemala, and Panama from White Spot disease (Mancha Blanca) which infected Central America during the late 1990s. In Panama this virus decreased production by 90%, costing over $100 million in three years.
A new disease known as early mortality syndrome or “EMS” currently causes $1 billion in shrimp mortality in Asia every year. EMS outbreaks occur during the first 30 days of production in shrimp ponds and can cause up to 70% in losses.
In 2013, EMS was predicted to travel south to Central America. By June, 2015, it had been confirmed in Nicaragua and Honduras. Will this disease make its way to Panama? According to experts it is very likely. However, there is now a viable and profitable solution. New technology created by Panamanian resident and scientist, Dr Bill McGraw , provides a biosecure, zero water exchange system for growing shrimp that has a zero percent chance of being affected by any disease currently decimating many areas of shrimp farming around the world. Dr McGraw has been working with Spirit Sustainable Resources International, headquartered in Texas.
This system has been proven to be efficient, economically viable, robust, and most importantly, disease free during its use for four years in Chiriqui, and three years in overseas countries. There are no herbicides, pesticides and all plants and animals are non-GMO and organically produced. Unlike most shrimp produced worldwide, there are no antibiotics used and there are no plans to include chemicals in processing shrimp. And unlike any shrimp produced in the US and Panama, shrimp production will be conducted 365 days a year under a greenhouse.