Cardinal speaks out on court crisis, Varela hedges

CARDINAL Jose Luis Lacunza has called on the National Assembly and the Public Ministry (MP) to investigate the alleged irregularities in the Supreme Court denounced by Judge Harry Diaz.
“As there have been insinuations, allegations that there are serious cases of corruption within the institution, as the legal saying goes: ‘ He who asserts must prove ‘ ” the cardinal said.
He added that a large sector of society requires a constitution that changes the rules not only to fix these problems but also the renewal of the participation of Panamanian society.
The Cardinal’s words came during the pronouncement of the Panamanian Episcopal Conference, where the Catholic Church rejected the corruption and violence plaguing the country.
Meanwhile President Juan Carlos Varela took time off from smelling the roses and coffee at the opening of the Festival of Flowers and Coffee in Boquete, Chiriqui to sidestep the issue.
“These are internal affairs of the Court and I feel that the judge [Diaz] exposed them to the country. It is up to the same court to have this debate,” he said.
Varela said that as chairman of the executive board he must “lead dialogue with 200,000 civil servants,, ensure the security sectors work, hospitals and schools are ready, help agricultural production and see that tourism is promoted. I have many responsibilities as president,” reports La Prensa.