Government offices prepare for Carnaval shutdown

COVERNMENT offices will be closed across Monday, February 8, until noon on Wednesday February, 10 as Panama celebrates it’s annual bacchanalian Carnaval.
The shut down does not apply to police, the civil dense service (Sinaproc) and hospitals who will be called upon to proceed extra service for the expected increase in traffic swimming and partying incidents.
For Panama City residents the capital will become an oasis of calm, with traffic free streets as scores of thousands of vehicles stream out of the city from February 4 heading for Carnaval celebrations in the interior, or for Tocumen and Albrook airports to exit the country.
The city’s own noise and booze fest will take place on the Cinta Costera, near the Fish Market.
Workers in government services will be working longer hours in the upcoming three weeks to make up for the days of revelry.