Investigation of Martinelli in dried foods scandal re-activated

JUDGE  OYDEN ORTEGA, who acts as prosecutor in the investigation  of  former president Ricardo Martinelli in the dehydrated foods scandal  has re-activated the case and  has sent a request for a hearing  to the investigating judge, Jerome Mejia.

The case was suspended from July 2. When  Ortega presented a warning of unconstitutionality against article 491-A of the Criminal Procedure Code, which limits the time for investigation of deputies  to two months to investigate deputies of the Republic Martinelli has been a Central AMerican Parliament deputy  since July 1, 2014.

OnNovember 19  the full Court declared that provision unconstitutional

Martinelli who  has never personally attended the process-is under investigation for possible offenses against public administration, after the former director of the National Assistance Progam (PAN) , Giacomo Tamburrelli, declared that the$44.9 purchase  of dehydrated food from Lerkshore, was made on instructions from Martinelli.

Tamburrelli, ex comptroller  Gioconda de Bianchini Martinelli’s former private secretary , Adolfo “Chichi” De Obarrio;  busineeman  Ruben De Ycaza, the  Lerkshore representative, and former Director of Nutrition PAN, Angel Famiglietti, will be tried on May30

All have protective measures, except De Obarrio, who is a fugitive.