Largest wooden tall ship Panama bound

BRITISH BASED  disabled sailing charity, the Jubilee Sailing Trust (JST) will visit Panama in early 2016 and pass through the Panama Canal during a nine month epic voyage to Australia via the South Pacific.

The JST is a UN accredited disability charity promoting the integration of physically disabled and able-bodied people through the challenge and adventure of tall ship sailing. The charities specially designed tall ship Tenacious was built in 2000 by a mixed-ability team of JST volunteers and is the world’s largest operative ship of its kind.

Tenacious will be set  sailing from Antigua on January 4 and arrive in Panama 24 days later After transiting the Panama Canal on January 25 the ship will dock in Balboa for five days before sailing  for Costa Rica.

There are still a limited number of spaces available on the voyages to and from Panama and are open to both physically disabled and able-bodied individuals. People can book onto voyages by visiting or by emailing

The Jubilee Sailing Trust (JST) is a registered charity whose mission is to promote the integration of people of all physical abilities through the challenge and adventure of tall ship sailing aboard two very special ships, Lord Nelson and Tenacious. It offers both able-bodied and disabled people holidays and  get the chance to experience working together in a challenging environment..

In over 35 years of operation, the JST has provided life changing experiences to over 40,000 people, nearly half of whom have had some sort of physical disability, including over 5,000 wheelchair users.