Food scandal high rollers to get trial news for Christmas

NINE DEFENDANTS in a case that cost the State “economic injury” of nearly $45 million, may have to wait until Christmas Eve to hear if they are heading for trial.
Fifteenth Criminal Court Judge Leslie Loaiza who presided over a 12 hour preliminary hearing on Monday November 23 will now have 30 days to decide whether or not to call the defendants to trial.
The case is focused on irregularities in the National Assistance Program (PAN). The “economic injury” was an estimated $44.9 million, according to audits. That money was due to cost overruns in the purchase of dehydrated food to be distributed to schools.
Second Anti-Corruption Prosecutor Vielka Broce requested that the nine defendants, all prominent players in the RicaroMartinelli administration be called to trial.
The defendants are former PAN Director Giacomo Tamburrelli, former PAN Director of Nutrition Angel Famiglietti, businessman Rubén De Ycaza, former Comptroller Gioconda Torres de Bianchini, Adolfo De Obarrio, the private secretary of former President Ricardo Martinelli, former Ministers Lucy Molinar (Education) and Federico Suárez (Public Works), and former deputy ministers Marta Susana de Varela (Social Development) and María Fábrega (Presidency).
Obarrio remains at large and reportedly fled the country on Christmas Day last year.