153 seeking Supreme Court seat

THE DEADLINE for applications   of lawyers who want to become Supreme Court judges  and perhaps bring new light into an institution widely perceived as corrupt has passed.

The hopefuls totaled 153 and the government has refused to reveal the names of the contenders.

Outgoing judges are Victor Benavides, who resigned and is facing corruption an pedophile charges, Alejandro Moncada Luna, serving a five year jail term for corruption and Harley Mitchell who has survived a 10-year term unscathed.

At one stage the list of applicants was announced as 99, which produced some interesting comments from those suspicious of the stalled charges against the supermarket chain boss, Ricardo Martinelli.

Among the requirements to be considered  are: Panamanian nationality, at least  35 years of age, enjoy and political civil rights, be graduated in law and Have completed 10 years as a private lawyer or in the judiciary, Ministry Electoral Public entities Court or Ombudsman.


A statement from the Presidency says the resumes will be subject to an initial verification of compliance With the constitutional requirements and selection in the Ministry of the Presidency.

The criteria that will guide the selection team include: independence and impartiality, outstanding legal knowledge, professional record and commitment to the protection of basic rights, democracy and transparency.