A historical twist to Canadian Thanksgiving

By Margot Thomas
OCTOBER is just around the corner and with it Canadian Thanksgiving which not only comes earlier in the year than that of the neighboring United States, but also pre-dates it by a few years.
The first Thanksgiving on Canadian soil was in 1578 when Martin Frobisher and the survivors of the fleet that he led on his third attempt to find a Northwest passage gave thanks for their survival in the icy north where a bay still bears his name.
The celebration was without the turkeys associated with the Pilgrim Fathers celebration, but as loyalists fled to Canada they took the turkey tradition with them, and on Saturday October 10 the festive bird will be the center piece of a lavish buffet at a Thanksgiving Celebration organized by The CanadaPLUS Club at the Miramar Intercontinental.
For Canadians it will be the first opportunity to meet newly arrived Canadian Ambassador Anna Karine Asselin, who will share the head table with the ambassador’s of Canada’s two founding nations,The UK and France.
The club has members from 25 countries including the USA, and many of them will be there to enjoy the feasting, the open wine bar, dancing and some gentle ribbing from US stand-up comedian and author Jerry Gillies, who will also conduct an auction to raise funds for the staging of this year’s Carols by Candlelight Concert, with bid-items including return direct flights to Toronto and Montreal by Copa Airlines.
There will be a host of door prizes, good company and with a third of the seats already reserved, a full house.
So if you want to be part of the fun, it’s time to get cracking.
The price is $65 members, $75 non members
Tables of 10 may be reserved prior to September 28
Reservations at 225-3860 or 6619-6890 or email clubcanadaplus@gmail.com
See you there