Justice dragging heels in 12 Martinelli cases

SELF EXILED former president Ricardo Martinelli has at least 12 processes in Panama’s Supreme Court (CSJ), and only three of the cases have been admitted amid growing concern that the current administration is dragging its heels as other suspected follow him to the United States with no apparent effort to stop the flow.
Within the processes against the former head of state are included the investigation of the purchase of dehydrated food through the National Assistance Program (PAN) for $44.9 million; one that the Foreign Ministry sent to determine whether the ex-president committed the offense of granting amnesty to part faithfuls shortly before leaving office ; and the investigation into alleged crimes against freedom [inviolability of secrecy and privacy] by violating citizen’s communications.
The latter is in the hands of Judge Harry Diaz, who acts as prosecutor. According to sources of the Judiciary, Diaz has interviewed former officials of the National Security Council, and some of the victims of espionage reports La Prensa.
The process related to dehydrated food is in the hands of Judge Oyden Ortega, who acts as a prosecutor. This case was referred by the MP in January. There have been seven months since then and the investigation is not concluded. Ortega presented a warning of unconstitutionality against article 491-A of Law 55, which limits the term to investigate deputies to two months.
Martinelli is a member of the Central American Parliament (PARLACEN). This ploy has paralyzed the investigation until the full Court resolves it.
Another judge who has responsibility for cases against the former leader is Abel Zamorano, who is in charge of the investigation of the amnesties. By this specific process, judicial sources explained that the Court has requested the Electoral Tribunal to lift the Martinelli’s immunity because of his participation in the internal elections of his party Democratic Change, another
While the First Criminal Court ordered the sending to the CS of J a copy of the case for which the former director of supervision of the Superintendence of Stock Market (SMV), Ignacio Fabrega, was sentenced to five years of imprisonment, for the investigation of Martinelli, who was named by Fabrega in the f Financial Pacific (FP) scandal .On June 29 the SMV sent copies of a file to determine whether the former president committed offenses for irregularities in accounts of FP. The process is in the hands of Hernan De Leon, who has still to submit a draft decision.