Martinelli called victim to Palace to hear wiretaps

TEN WITNESSES in the investigation of ex-president Ricardo Martinelli’s involvement in the wiretapping of over 150 people are testifying before Supreme Court Judge Harry Diaz.
One of them, former PRD Deputy Yassir Purcait is one of the witnesses who has testified that Martinelli knew about illegal wiretaps conducted while he was in office.
The former deputy said that he was summoned to Martinelli’s chambers in 2011 to listen to recordings of intercepted phone calls to show him people were plotting against him.
Based on that fact, Purcait says that he is convinced that Martinelli had knowledge of the wiretaps done by the National Security Council during the last government.
According to investigations, the illegal surveillance affected about 150 people, including opposition politicians, trade union leaders, judges and journalists. The investigation began on Aug. 13 after the Electoral Tribunal lifted the Martinelli’s immunity reports La Prensa.
Purcait gave details of how it happened. He was in the National Assembly when he was approached by CD Deputy José Muñoz, who told him that Martinelli had prevented a crime against him.
He heard recordings of phone conversations of people allegedly plotting to assault him.
“I felt daunted, I didn’t know if it was a threat or blackmail to damage my image,” said Purcait, who at that time was a strong critic of the government of Martinelli. “Although I did not recognize the voices, it was clear that Martinelli had the ability to access private material.”
There have been nine other witnesses interviewed in the case. In addition to Martinelli, four former National Security Council officials have also been charged and are awaiting trial.