Accused CD official claims rigged inquiry

FACED WITH “country arrest”, which means she can no longer travel abroad on business trips, former Small Business Authority (Ampyme) Director Giselle Burillo decided on Wednesday July 19 that attack is a good form of defense against allegations that she abused state resources.
After interrogation by Anti-corruption Prosecutor Janett Rovetto, Burillo  said: “The reports which gave rise to this inquiry are rigged. There were no such cost overruns,”
She said that she will be cleared of any wrongdoing once she has finished testifying before prosecutors investigating financial irregularities in the agency..
“Quite interesting things are in the files,” Burillo said yesterday. “They will clarify the anomalies in the malicious and wicked report made by the team that was leading Ampyme. But everything will be clarified.”
Burillo arrived at the prosecutor’s office accompanied by her lawyer, Carlos Carrillo.
Carrillo called for the officials who conducted the audit to be charged, saying they “took advantage of their power to try to link former officials to wrongdoing.”
Meanwhile Burillo, who missed an earlier appearance because she was on a business trip has been ordered not to leave the country and to check in with authorities twice a month.