No security, no lessons — schoolteachers.

 FOLLOWING Tuesdays vandalism leading to the severe injury of a teacher and two students, teachers at the National Institute on Friday demanded the Ministry of Education improve security at the school before they will return to the classrooms.

Union leader Ileana Harper said that teachers are in danger and demanded a meeting with Minister Marcela Paredes de Vasquez, who can order tougher security measures at the school reports LA Prensa.
Parent’s representative Carlos Rivera, however, said that increasing security at the school could be seen as a provocation.
Rivera said the problems earlier in the week were caused by a small number of students, and called on parents to demonstrate more control over their children.
He said that these acts of violence undermine the image and good name of the school.
Meanwhile Arturo Adames, 61, who has spent more than half his life teaching at the National Institute is in the burns unit of Hospital Santo Tomas with extensive burns to his body after a homemade bomb exploded in his face.