Canal Expansion, last chance visit

Canal Expansion, last chance visit
YOUR LAST chance to visit the Canal expansion site, at the Pacific endbefore the locks are flooded is Sunday,May 17.
Visitors can go to Cocolí, a couple of kilometers past the Bridge of the Aericas, from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm They will then be taken on buses-from the parking lot – to the work of the expanded Canal to get a tour and take pictures inside the new locks.” Only those over 12 years may attend.
As security measures, the ACP and the construction company Grupo Unidos por el Canal (GUPC) recommend that you wear long trousers, boots or safety shoes. and will not be allowed to carry liquor, coolers, pets or use of drones.
They also advise wearing a cap, sun glasses and dust blocker and taking water, and snacks in a small bag.
The Canal Authority (ACP) said that to facilitate public access to Cocolí, a special Metro Bus service will run on Sunday from the Albrook transport terminal.
The fare will be 25c each way, so take a Metro Bus card.
The service schedule is from the Albrook terminal towards City of Knowledge and Miraflores) and on to Cocolí: leaving at 8:00 am, 10:30 am and 1:00 pm. The return service from Cocolí is at at 10:30 am, 1:00 pm and 3:30 pm
“This is a historic moment, because the activity will allow visitors to tour one of the chambers of the new locks of Cocolí, and which will soon be filled to make way for the operation of the Expanded Canal” says the ACP