PAN boss moved $5 million to Bahamas, loot now past $18 million

THE DISCOVERY of the buried treasure of Panama’s National Assistance Program (PAN) expands every week. The first hoard in various local banks, Totaled $8 million. Then it jumped to $13 million. Now it has reached $18 million.

The First Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office confirmed that the former director of the Rafael Jaen Guard transferred a total of $ 5 million to accounts in the Bahamas.
Before the discovery of the accounts, prosecutors in charge of Nahaniel Murgas has requested international assistance to apprehend these funds drawn by affiliates from banks in Panama to Bahamas, considered a tax haven.
The transfers were made in the past from the BCT and Universal Banks, the latter linked to the Virzi family. Felipe Pipo Virzi’s name also figures largely in the case of suspended Supreme Court Judge Moncada Luna/
The authorities had suspicions that the former head of the PAN held accounts in Bahamas after confirmation of the National Immigration Service that his son Rafael Juárez Guardia made several trips the Caribbean islands , between 2013 and 2014.
The offshore accounts are in addition to the $ 13 million that have been detected in local banks and remain seized by court order.
Jaén Guard remains arrested in a cell in La Gran Joya prison, facing multiple charges.
Murgas announced that he has requested international judicial assistance in order to get the money in Bahamas, where it operates an offshore banking.
Murgas said Public Ministry officials will travel to the Bahamaa to find out more details of bank transfers made from Panama.
Guardia Jaen has been under arrest since November 17 on charges of alleged embezzlement. The four anti-corruption prosecutors have opened at least eight files related to irregularities during his tenure as head of PAN between 2012 and July 2014.
Judicial authorities have found more than $13 million in local bank accounts on behalf of companies affiliated to it. These banks were: Unibank, St. Georges Bank, BCT Bank, Universal, among others.
The companies include Alimc Investments, SA, in which Guardia Jaén appears as vice president and secretary.
This company also lists his son Rafael Juárez Guardia, as a director. During the last government he was a consultant at the Directorate General of Public Procurement.
Also, there is Investment Jarl, SA, which was established in September 2003 and in which the former head of the PAN served as resident agent.
Other companies in which they appear are Investment accounts Glora, SA, registered in July 2012. One of its directors is William Abraham Gallardo, who was Guardia Jaén’s right hand and appointed as director of purchasing in the PAN reports La Prensa.
The friendship between Gallardo and Guardia Jaén was back when were designated in 2009 as manager and deputy manager of the National Mortgage Bank, respectively.
The prosecution also maintains apprehended a $ 2 million in BCT Bank on behalf of society Musashi Investment SA The signatory of that account is Javier Cachafeiro Richa, a personal friend of the son of the former head of the PAN.
Richa Cachafeiro is also a signatory to another account in the Savings Bank on behalf of society Kalua, SA, also linked to Guardia Jaén. This account is for $ 750,000.
In the St. Georges Bank also remain seized another $ 2 million on behalf of society Suplidora Oleovimesa SA, whose legal representative is Linda Esther Santamaria Pope.
The corporate name of the company is Oleovinícola Mediterranean, SA, chaired by Vijey Edsel Pérez González. While the resident agent of this society is Rodrigo Del Cid Núñez, who enrolled in the Maritime Authority of Panama the yacht Boombastic, linked to the former head of the PAN.
The judicial authorities maintain control of a a mansion in Costa Serena, Costa del Este, valued at $2 million.
It was also recently discovered that Guardia Jaén canceled more than $1 million for the purchase of another mansion, located in a project under construction in the exclusive residential complex Camino de Cruces.
In addition, the former director of the PAN had homes in King County, one in San Antonio and an apartment in Rivage on Balboa Avenue. All these properties are seizedby order of the First Anticorruption Prosecutor.
On behalf of the company Brescia Tre, SA cautelado a yacht was linked to the former head of the PAN. The boat is worth $400,000.
Public Registry data reveal that this society was registered on April 11, 2013 and Javier Cachafeiro Richa, appears as secretary. He is a personal friend of Rafael Juárez Guardia , son of the former director of the PAN. Interestingly, Cachafeiro Richa worked at the National Mortgage Bank (BHN) for the management of Guardia Jaén, says La Prensa.
The First Anticorruption Prosecutor statements begin today to take to representatives of companies related to a complaint of course overruns in buying grain from the PAN for poor schools in inaccessible places in the country.
The complaint filed by the current head of the PAN, Rafael Stanziola, draws Guardia Jaén suspected of the crime of embezzlement of $1.7 million on the purchase of rice, beans and lentils for the poor schools.
This complaint was the trigger for the first anticorruption prosecutors initiated investigations and arrest of Guardia Jaén.
According to the complaint, Guardia Jaén bought sacks of rice for $80 when its price in February 2014 was $49. He also bought 100-pound bags of lentils at $110, when the market price was $55. And he acquired aquintal of beans at$100, when the price was $76.