Court president faces criminal coercion allegations

THE PRESIDENT of Panama’s Supreme Court, Jose Ayu Prado, is facing criminal charges for the alleged crime of abuse of authority and violation of public duties and public corruption.
The complaint alleging coercion of a person involved in a land grab scandal, was lodged in the National Assembly on Monday, by Rosendo Rivera, the plaintiff’s attorney, based on the statements of a detainee and the Code reports La Estrella.
The lawyer, who filed the complaint on Monday with the General Secretariat of the Assembly asks for criminal sanction for the actions of Ayu Prado, during the period when he led the Attorney General’s Office, before being appointed a Supreme Court judge by former president Ricardo Martinelli.
Article 346 of the Penal Code, the foundation of the case, states that a public servant serving as a member of the judiciary or administrative authority of the Public Ministry, shall be punished with imprisonment from four to eight years. For filing accepting, receiving or requesting a gift, promising money, benefit or advantage for harming or favoring one party in the process, …
Rivera has also made a special request to the Office of Attorney General Ana Belfon, who replaced Ayu Prado in office, that the crimes of corruption of public servants, abuse of authority and violation of the duties of the public official be investigated and criminal sanctions imposed as appropriate[DY1] .
The complainant went to the Assembly to submit the complaint based on statements given by César Segura, known as ‘ThePaitilla Florist in the Paitilla land grab scandal.
On FOX TV on July 22, 4 Segura said he had been coerced and forced to return the land where the Guillermo Endara Park id located at the eastern end of the Cinta Costere,in exchange for his freedom. Which had been the alibi, under a process that was initially instructed by the prosecutor, now president of the Court.
Segura, in the televised interview, said that he was the subject of criminal proceedings to get him to agree to the return of the land. “ Officials working in the Presidency told me to make a handwritten letter specifying that I was going to return the land to the Nation” said Segura.
The lawsuit alleged acts were committed against Segura, in the span of two weeks, while he was detained on orders from the Attorney General’s Office, in charge at the time of Ayu Prado.
Segura said he was told the government could get him from 14 to 20 years in prison.
Rivera says that questions arise about the role played by Ayu Prado in the theats to Segura.
The complainant counsel says that the Segura was coerced to obtainhis freedom in exchange for the ceded land at that time in the name of society Segura Venture.