Martinelli opposed to legalizing marijuana

AS THE U.S., and other countries move closer to the legalization of marijuana, President, Ricardo Martinelli, has bucked the worldwide trend and come out strongly against it.

Supporters of the move point to the failure of the “War on Drugs” and President Obama has publicly stated that pot is less dangerous than alcohol.

Uruguay recently became the first country in the world to legalize pot, and many U.S. States are decriminalizing its use and moving towards legalization. Guatemala’s president has been campaigning for the legalization of drugs to curb the powers of the cartels.
Interviewed in Davos, Switzerland, by world media during the World Economic Forum on Wednesday, January 22, Martinelli said: "I disagree with legalizing marijuana," and called for stronger enforcement.
During an interview on CNN he also called for changes to the constitution and said that to shorten the presidential term could be a topic for discussion.
Panama 's Constitution currently does not allow immediate presidential reelection. But it has been a constant theme of Martinelli’s CD party
Martinelli said the current Constitution has a cut of militarism, dating from 1972 and requires comprehensive reform.
The Panamanian official delegation in Davos is formed by ministers Frank De Lima (Economics and Finance ) , James Ford ( Public Works) , the executive secretary of the Ministry of Economy of the Presidency, Kristelle Getzler and Minister Counselor , Larry Maduro reports La Prensa