Navarro running mate breaths fire into PRD campaign

THE NAMING of former electoral judge Gerardo Solis as running mate of PRD presidential candidate Juan Carlos Navarro has breathed some fire into what seems to have been a lack luster campaign running on half cylinders.

To the cheers and visible excitement of massed supporters on Sunday, January 12, Solis, gave a rousing acceptance speech vowing that the PRD would ensure that the ruling Democratic Change (CD), chaired by Ricardo Martinelli, would not repeat in governance.

 "Ricardo Martinelli, the sum of all your fears is here today. Hear me well Martinelli, your worst nightmare is beginning. You are leaving, and leave you wil," Solis said in in his first speech as a vice presidential candidate. He had previously been an Independent candidate for the presidency.
“We always knew that we would not be anyone's colony, we took out the conqueror, and the colonizer and we will throw out the tyranny of Ricardo Martinelli," said Solis to the screams and applause of the Navarro followers.
 He also lambasted CD presidential candidate, José Domingo Arias.
 ”[Jose Domingo Arias] has no leadership qualities and no character. He would only give continuity to everything bad in this government," Solis said.
 "With Arias will steal without doing any work. We will not allow the re-election of the absurdity of false populism government and official patronage, because we need an identity of ideals " said Navarro now vice president ," he added .
 The Minister of the Presidency, Roberto Henriquez said the candidate chosen by Navarro has an “obsessive hatred “, reports La Prensa.
A lawyer by profession, Solis was an electoral prosecutor, former Minister of Housing and judge of the Electoral Tribunal for six years.