North Korea will pay fine for arms-runner ship

NORTH KOREAN authorities will take possession of the ship detained in July with Cuban weapons on board within 15 days.

The hand over will take place after the payment of the roughly $600,000 fine, originally quoted as $1 million. Said Julio Berríos, lawyer for the crew

Panama Canal Authority Administrator Jorge Quijano said last week that the fine must be paid before the boat and 32 of the 35 crew members will be released.
A North Korean delegation is in Panama in order to reach an agreement to take possession of the boat and the crew.
The vessel was detained on July 10 after a search for drugs uncovered the weapons, hidden in a shipment of sugar.
On Wednesday, Prosecutor Nahaniel Murgas said the ship and 32 of the 35 crew members would be released, but the action was delayed until the fine is paid.