Black Friday packs malls empties roads

WHILE entrances to shopping malls were clogged and parking lots overflowing, the streets of Panama were for long periods a motorist’s dream on Friday November 29.
Black Friday shopping hysteria sucked cars into the malls, and off the streets, while many drivers stayed at home to avoid the usual payday traffic jams that didn't materialize.
Meanwhile President Martinelli took time out to open the new Brazil underpass on Calle 50, but with the photo op over, the new facility, designed to unclog the notorious Calle 50 traffic jams was closed for work to continue.
President Martinelli, in his prepared remarks, said that the project had been completed seven months ahead of schedule.
In the malls Buyers had to wait in line for up to an hour just to enter some stores, and the line at cash registers was three times as long as usual in some stores.
The Consumer Protection Authority stationed agents at many shopping centers to look for infractions such as price gouging. It also said all items should have a warranty and a clear return policy.
They also recommended that consumers over Black Friday weekend, make a list of articles they intend to buy and compare prices at several stores.