55% leap in womens violent deaths in Panama

UNDER the umbrella of increased national prosperity lie some sobering statistics. In the first six months of 2013 Panama recorded a 55% jump in violent deaths of women.

A total of 31 women died violently in the country.

The announcement came on the same day as a woman police sergeant became another statistic on the gruesome list after being gunned down by her police lieutenant husband.
In the same time period last year there were 20 violent female deaths.
According to statistics from the National Institute of Women, in 12 cases the murderers had emotional bonds with their victims, as couples or family.
Sociologist and criminologist Tirso Castillo, said that in many cases behind these killings there are men too traditionally minded who do not accept the emancipation of women.
Ana Maria Florez, president of the Panamanian Association of Psychologists, says Panamanian men are not trained to express their feelings and their emotions are expressed through violent channels.