Environmental authority moves to save water shed

THE NATIONAL Environmental Authority (ANAM) in Los Santos is creating an inventory of cattle farms within the watershed of the river La Villa to get producers to join in the reforestation of the area.

Near the source of the River Villa

David Vergara, Anam regional director in Los Santos, said Saturday,July 6, they are doing an inventory to identify the properties within this area because it is urgently needs reforesting

The purpose of the inventory involve the producers in the restoration of the important watershed, which supplies more than 100,000 jn Azuero and preserve the flora and fauna.
The Villa River Basin takes up 129, 500 hectares, of which 60% is located in the province of Herrera and 40% in Los Santos, with a population of 87 000 people in six districts and 40 townships.
92% of the area, equivalent to 119,000 hectares is intended for farming
Residential water consumption represents 74% of total water use in the basin, 92% of the area of the watershed is deforested by logging and burning