Ministry pushing structural projects for completion before election

TO THE SURPRISE of few The Ministry of Public Works (MOP) advanced the delivery of various Panama road projects and so that they be opened before the end of the current presidential term.
MOP minister Jaime Ford, said contract work carried out on Via Brazil were due on July 7, 2014, but its implementation is accelerated to be partially open between September and December this year, and completely in March.
Deliveries will occur, therefore, at the end of the 2014 election campaign and be capitalized by the government candidate says La Prensa.
Menalco Solis, who was campaign manager for former President Guillermo Endara, said that he had no doubt that they "are taking advantage of these openings to support his candidacy."
Solis recalled that previous administrations made similar practices with the goal of early openings a phenomenon he called "the epidemic of the outgoing government."
The most flagrant was the opening of the Centenario bridge by outgoing President Mireya Moscoso, before the access roads were completed.