Old habits die hard for some Metro Bus drivers

THE METRO BUS service, already under fire for poor service, also seems to be challenging the driving record of the diablos rojos it replaced.

Many of the drivers are former diablos rojos operators and although they have had special training seem to have fallen back into bad driving habits engrained over decades of driving run down old school buses.. Others double up as taxi drivers who are notPanama's best symbols of good driving practices.

Late last week two metro buses collided on the Cinta Costera and on Sunday June 2 Bus 923 of Route ArriajanTumba Muerto, was involved in a collision. A pedestrian was recently killed by a Metro bus, and many are now seen traveling outside of their lanes, giving no signals, and exceeding the speed limit.
In the latest incident no passengers and passersby were injured.
The Transit Authority urges the public to report bad driving incidents.