Old political yearnings still burning

OLD POLITICAL warhorses, some with dubious records are already planning to re-enter Panama’s political fray for the “benefit of the people.”
La Prensa lists some who have thrown their hats into the ring with a year still to go and some are already actively cam[aligning.
The list is extensive, and among them is Mireya Lasso, a former legislator from the Vanguardia Moral de la Patria (2004-2009) party.She will run as a Panameñista asher former party no longer exists.
Lasso will look to fill the seat of Panameñista José Isabel Blandón, who has long had his eyes on the mayor’s office in Panama City.
"I think that the assembly has declined a lot since I left office," Lasso told La Prensa.. "I do believe that the honest people of this country must return to the assembly."
Pedro Miguel González, who is notorious for being wanted in the United States on murder charges, and who had a secret bed chamber built in the National Assembly when he was President of the body, is seeking a return to the assembly with the PRD party.
González said he wants to defend the country's poor and promote decentralization if he is elected. He has pledged to defend the land of the land workers of Santa Fe, Cañazas, San Francisco and Calobre in Veraguas.
"I will not return to the house to take care of the interests of companies," he said.
Former Deputy Franz Wever is also seeking to return to the legislator. He’s the man who forgot to pay the insurance for a Panamanian baseball team taking part in an international competition, forcing them to return home. He was involved in murous controversies..His billboards have been prominently displayed around Panama City.
Francisco "Panchito" Reyes is running for election 10 years after leaving politics. He said he misses politics and feels ready to represent the 8-2 circuit.
When he was in office previously, he was involved in a scandal involving the power company.
The Milanes family will have two shots at a seat. Former Darién Legislator Haydee Milanes is planning to run for the Panameñista party. She was barred from seeking re-election after it was determined her nationality was Colombian and not Panamanian. Also running is her son , Luis Lay, Milanes representing the ruling CD party.
"We are mother and son, but we don't have a political relationship," she said. "But we won't attack each other or break our family bond."
Jerry Wilson, who has been a PRD deputy for three terms, says he aims to return to the Assembly because he still feels he has enough ideas to present draft laws which will allow a greater distribution of wealth.
"In 2009 I lost, but I have the clear conviction that if the people accept me, I will do a good job," He will face Legislator Juan Carlos Arosemena in the PRD primary.
Tomás Duque, of Chepo, seeks to unseat CD Legislator Hernan Delgado. The Duque family has been a political dynasty in the Chepo area for several decades.