Voices against Amador development plan

MULTIPLE OPPONENTS. including architects, engineers biologists and civil groups. have coalesced in repudiating a proposed redevelopment of Amador accessed by Stage 3 of the Cinta Costera.


 The coastal strip three is the front door to marine fillers, luxury homes, buildings and a leisure center says La Prensa.

The plan stems from a consultancy commissioned by the Administrative Unit of Reverted Areas(UABR), ans delivered in January 2012.
According to the report, the coastal strip would be an expedited path to the proposed developments.
The UABR refused to confirm if the study had been approved. However, there are suggestions, in the document-including marine fillers alongside the avenue of Poets – which match the government works already underway says La Prensa
"Fill the area with buildings only benefits the builders and a relatively small number of gigh end residents there, with no public benefit as it sacrifices the concept of a recreational area for all, to favor only residents," said Nicolas Ardito Barletta, first administrator of the Inter-Oceanic Region Authority (ARI) and proponent of the Amador tourist plan, developed in 1996.
The Panamanian Society of Engineers and Architects (SPIA) is emphatic: "Amador was designated as a tourist area and nothing is allowed other than tourism, non-residential".
Rodrigo Sanchez, president of the SPIA, said that the Amador infrastructure wasdeveloped for a low-impact tourism and this has already collapsed.
Wastewater is discharged directly into the sea because the original plan was not respected, and the area cannot stand the mega proposed in the study, said.
"There should be nothing other than the tourism plan. The new plan has no such tendency, there should be no fillers or residential," Sanchez said.
C4T, the Spanish company, which produced the study, also proposed to build a marina for almost a thousand boatsand constructions that would block the view of the sea.
The pressure for the construction of infrastructure and damage to mangroves has the College of Biologists concerned. "The effort and the struggle to regain the world's largest mangrove areas, will end up selling them to the highest bidder," said College president Carlos Guerra,
The Alliance for City called said it was "deception" to hide the true reason for building Stage 3 of the coastal strip,paid for by all Panamanians.