Get your calculator out as gasoline prices rise.

‘June is bustin’ out all over’ said the lyrics of a Rodgers and Hammerstein song in the Carousel, but the bustin’ in Panama next month will be on your calculator.

On Friday May 31 gasoline prices will rise: 95 octane will go up 0.029 cents and 91 octanes 0.013 cents a liter. A liter of low sulfur diesel will be up 0.003 cents.

To get an idea of how much that is per gallon multiply the hikes by 3.78, (the amount of liters in a gallon).
That means a gallon of 95 octane gasoline would cost $4. 41/and that of 91 octanes $3. 97 and diesel low sulfur $3. 64/100 in Panama and Colon.