Martinell denies Super 99 flouting liquor laws

PRESIDENT Ricardo Martinelli reacted Sunday, May 19, to media reports that found Super 99, the grocery store chain he owns, was found to be violating liquor laws banning the sale of alcohol after specified hours.

"The decree was made so that the bars closed at a certain time, and it did not include merchants," Martinelli said on his Twitter account.
In a second tweet, Martinelli said: "the decree was signed to prevent the sale and consumption of liquor in bars, and not in places of sale."
Minister of Security José Raúl Mulino also commented on Twitter, saying: "the law should only apply to amusement centers. Its letter and spirit are clear."
“The decree, however, is clear that the sale of alcoholic beverages is banned after specified times says” La Prensa
"It specifically identifies ‘shops, supermarkets, restaurants, casinos, gaming halls and hotels’ as being able to stay open past these hours, but not being able to sell alcohol.
"The decree also states that fines range from $500 to $10,000, and the fine could be doubled for repeat offenders."
Journalists were able to buy liquor at three Super 99 locations after hours.